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What is Borderline Intellectual Functioning? Concept, Causes, Characteristics, Symptoms, Testing Methods, Summary of Proportions

This topic is Borderline Intellectual Functioning. It's a symptom that many people have, though we may not easily think about it in our daily lives. I will try to organize the concept, characteristics, symptoms, testing methods, and proportions of Borderline Intellectual Functioning.

What is Borderline Intellectual Functioning? Understanding the Concept


  • Borderline Intellectual Functioning represents a "middle" state in certain areas of everyday cognitive and social functioning within the fields of psychology and mental health.
  • It is a type of cognitive impairment that lies in the middle of non-disabled and intellectually disabled intelligence, precisely on the borderline.
  • Memory, discernment, and cognitive abilities are significantly lower compared to the general population. However, they may appear normal in appearance and communication is possible. Because of these characteristics, their behavior can sometimes be misunderstood as intentional.
  • Many people are unaware of Borderline Intellectual Functioning because it is not classified as intellectual disability. Although many people are unaware, there seem to be many who actually struggle with this issue, unintentionally causing harm to each other.
  • Borderline Intellectual Functioning is commonly known to be when the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is between 70 and 85. This represents about 14% of the total population.
  • It is also referred to as Borderline Intelligence, Borderline Intellectual Disability, Borderline Cognitive Intelligence, etc.

Causes of Borderline Intellectual Functioning

While all diseases occur due to complex factors, it is known to mainly arise from the following causes.

  • Genetic Factors
    • There are cases where problems are present from birth due to genetic factors.
    • Borderline Intellectual Functioning is often associated with family history.
  • Environmental Factors and Diseases
    • It can be caused by nutritional deficiencies, accidents, brain-related diseases, etc.

Symptoms and Characteristics of Borderline Intellectual Functioning


Depending on the degree of Borderline Intellectual Functioning and individual characteristics, the following features may be present. Individuals may have problems as follows, although the degree varies.

  • Memory and Discernment Issues: Issues in learning or work that are generally more problematic than considered
  • Communication Issues: Difficulties in communicating with others may occur
  • Self-Harm: Behaviors that inflict harm or pose a threat to oneself
  • Emotional Instability: Severe and unpredictable emotional changes
  • Psychological Distress: A tendency to experience ongoing distress for oneself or others
  • Extreme Emotional Changes: Sudden anger, emotional instability, fear, etc.
  • Unstable Self-Identity: Difficulty in accurately understanding or expressing oneself
  • Unstable Relationships: Instability in relationships with close people, and possible experiences of idealization or rejection

Testing methods for borderline intellectual functioning

There are simple tests for borderline intellectual functioning that circulate on the internet. Many of these methods are not scientifically proven and can be very detached from the actual results. Since it is very important to confirm whether a condition is present through accurate measurement and recognition, I personally do not recommend using these methods for confirmation. I would like to advise not to take these tests at all.

A person with borderline intellectual functioning may have the following problems. If you are already of middle school age or older and have been tested with no issues found, it is generally considered that there is no major problem. However, if you are still at a younger age and have not been previously tested, and you have the following issues, it is advisable to get tested.

  • Social Problems
    • Many difficulties in interpersonal relationships are common. You may encounter many conflicts at school or work, and may also be subjected to ostracism.
  • Learning and Comprehension Issues
    • Difficulties in learning, low academic performance or difficulty in performing tasks properly are common.
    • There is relatively low comprehension, making it difficult to understand complex explanations.
    • Concentration is relatively poor, making it hard to sustain studying or work for long periods.
  • Impulsivity Issues
    • Impulsive or aggressive behaviors can cause harm to those around you.


To accurately diagnose borderline intellectual functioning, assistance from a mental health professional is necessary. Generally, the diagnosis is made through psychological tests and interviews. Such tests help in evaluating the individual's symptoms and behavioral patterns for diagnosis. It is thought that accurately diagnosing the problem and improving it through professional medical institutions can reduce stress for the individual and family and help with happiness.

Conclusion and Summary

Borderline intellectual functioning is an important issue that affects mental health. It is not just an issue for the individual but also affects the family and people around them. Understanding and dealing with this appropriately can be helpful to the individual and those around them.


If you suspect something, do not hesitate to consult with a professional or seek additional information. I believe that seeking a professional is always the right choice rather than opting for other alternatives to save costs. I think it's the quickest way to properly identify the problem. I also want to tell you not to hesitate to visit various hospitals to find a solution.

Moreover, people who do not have these symptoms need to first become aware that this issue exists. Generally, people only know about the world they live in and often do not properly see other worlds. Most are aware only of intellectual disabilities and are not well-informed about borderline intelligence. Especially, problems in the mind do not manifest outwardly well, and there are no significant peculiarities in the external appearance, making it difficult to recognize.

However, if more than 10% of the population has this symptom, I think it is inevitable to encounter it in social life. Being aware of such issues, I think one should not speak just according to their own thoughts and cause hurt to others.