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Causes and Reasons for Pain in the Back of the Head and Neck

Many people suffer from pain in the back of the head and neck. Neck pain is directly connected to the head, which can interfere with daily activities and continuously cause stress.

Neck pain is often caused by poor sleeping habits, looking at a computer all day, or studying with the head bowed down. Headaches caused by stress are also a common cause. However, if the pain is persistent and severe, it may be due to another illness and should be checked.

Let's look at the diseases that can be suspected when the back of the neck feels tight.


The most common cause is stress

Like the origin of all diseases, neck pain often stems from stress. The most common cause of tightness in the back of the head is tension-type headache. When a lot of stress accumulates, lactic acid is released, causing the neck muscles to contract and pain to occur. Tension-type headaches in the back of the head caused by stress can be somewhat relieved by massage and rest.

In severe cases, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or muscle relaxants can be prescribed at a hospital. Botox is also used to prevent muscle contractions. However, it seems necessary to reduce the stress, which is the cause of the disease. From personal experience, I suffered a lot from stress-related neck pain, but when I tried to get as much rest as possible on the weekends and give myself some peace of mind, the pain was greatly alleviated compared to before.

Pain induced by exercise

Excessive exercise can also cause tightness in the back of the head. Too much exercise can suddenly raise body temperature and expand blood vessels, increasing blood flow and causing symptoms of tightness. Especially if a person who does not exercise at all suddenly lifts heavy weights, or even if a person who exercises regularly overdoes it, it can cause a lot of strain on the neck and result in pain. In this case, cold compress and rest are very helpful in alleviating the pain.

Diseases like cerebral hemorrhage as a cause

Although not common, cerebral hemorrhage can also cause headaches in the back of the head. In such cases, a sudden and severe headache like being hit with a hammer may occur, and it is important to visit the hospital quickly to treat the underlying cause, which is the cerebral hemorrhage.

Comparison with cervical disc herniation

Symptoms of tightness in the back of the head can be easily confused with cervical disc herniation. Although it is difficult to distinguish accurately, disc herniation usually presents with symptoms such as numbness or weakness in one arm or one or two fingers. If symptoms of weakness appear in both arms or the entire hands, it is likely not disc herniation.

Summary and Solutions


There are various causes of neck pain, but here are some common ones. It seems to occur mainly due to stress or exercise. The following methods can be used to solve the pain.

  • Reduce stress. Rest is very important, so you should make a conscious effort to take breaks. Too much stress is not only bad for your neck but also for your entire body.
  • Develop a habit of relaxing your neck muscles. Unconsciously tensing up can cause neck pain, so it's good to slowly develop a habit of relaxing.
  • When studying or using the computer, adjust the height of the computer and books to a position that doesn't strain your neck. Most people just place books and laptops on the desk as is. In this case, most people tend to look down, which can cause the neck to bend and lead to pain. It's good to use tools that can properly adjust the eye level of books and laptops.
  • Use a pillow that suits you. If the pillow doesn't fit you, you can experience a lot of neck pain when you wake up. Since everyone has a different pillow that suits them, it's best to find the right one for you.
  • If you suspect a serious illness, go to the hospital quickly. If you often experience severe pain, let's go to the hospital right away. You should not delay going to the hospital because of time or cost. It's always important to detect and solve problems early on, so let's not let the disease worsen.

Managing stress and posture well, and if the pain is severe and occurs frequently, it is most important to visit a nearby hospital for an accurate diagnosis. If the disease gets worse later, it will be more painful and will take a lot of cost and time to treat, so it is considered necessary to visit various hospitals and receive medical treatment.