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What is a long-tail keyword? Concept summary and top exposure blog SEO strategy


When searching for blog or website exposure or SEO, you often come across the term long-tail keyword. This is something you must know for blog monetization. What is a long-tail keyword?

What is a long-tail keyword?

A long-tail keyword refers to a search term composed of longer phrases. It is typically comprised of three or more words, and more accurately reflects the user's search intent. For example, a search term like "study methods" is a long-tail keyword compared to "methods to maintain concentration while studying".

What is the opposite of a long-tail keyword? Short-tail keyword?

A short-tail keyword refers to a search term that is short and general. It is usually one or two words long, and it can be difficult to accurately determine the search intent due to the fierce competition. For example, words like "study" or "food" are short-tail keywords.

Examples of long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords typically have a longer format, as shown below.

  1. "Recommended places for a domestic summer vacation with family"
  2. "Starting a cooking blog for beginners"
  3. "Recommended essays to read when feeling depressed"

Pros and cons of long-tail keywords


  • Less competition: There is less competition compared to general short-tail keywords.
  • Understanding customer intent: You can accurately understand the searcher's intent and provide corresponding content.
  • Targeting: It is ideal for targeting a specific group or niche market.


  • Search traffic may be low: Long-tail keywords may have fewer searches, resulting in lower overall traffic.
  • Updates needed: Long-tail keywords need to be continuously updated as search engine algorithms change.

Long-tail keywords play an important role in blog SEO strategies. They can help improve blog exposure through less competition and understanding customer intent. Therefore, it is important to focus on effectively using long-tail keywords to increase blog visibility.

Characteristics of long-tail keywords

  • If your blog ranking is not high, choosing and posting with the right long-tail keywords can bring more beneficial results for higher exposure.
  • The reason for searching for long-tail keywords in marketing is because visitors closer to a purchase conversion tend to search with longer sentences with purchasing intent. Therefore, our brand can utilize this to provide appropriate content to users who are searching with a precise intent.
  • If we find long-tail keywords and optimize the content, the probability that our page will appear in the search results increases
