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What is a short-tail keyword? Concept summary and top exposure blog SEO strategy


If you search for top exposure or SEO of blogs or websites, you will often come across the term short-tail keyword. This is something you must know for blog monetization. What is a short-tail keyword?

What is a short-tail keyword?

Short-tail keywords mean that the search term is short and concise. They are usually one or two words long, representing more general search terms. For example, words like "study" or "cooking" are short-tail keywords.

Characteristics of Short-Tail Keywords

  • Fierce competition: Short-tail keywords are keywords that many people compete for. Many documents contain words included in short-tail keywords. Therefore, you need to overcome high competition rates for top exposure.
  • Difficult to understand search intention: It can be difficult to understand the searcher's intention. For example, the search term "travel" can mean travel information, travel products, travel blogs, etc.
  • Wide range of traffic: Short-tail keywords can bring a lot of search traffic, but it is not guaranteed that this traffic is actually useful.

Utilization Strategy of Short-Tail Keywords

  • Accurate target setting: When selecting short-tail keywords, you should focus on keywords related to the topic of the blog. This allows you to clearly define your target customer group.
  • High-quality content production: You need to produce high-quality content that matches short-tail keywords to attract users' attention. Rich and useful content can receive high evaluations from search engines.
  • Competitive analysis: When using fiercely competitive short-tail keywords, you need to analyze the strategies of competitors and prepare effective countermeasures. A differentiated strategy is needed when using highly competitive keywords.

Examples of Short-Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords have a short form as follows.

  1. "Travel"
  2. "Cooking"
  3. "Fashion"
  4. "Exercise"
  5. "Study"

Pros and cons of short tail keywords


  • Wide search traffic: Short tail keywords can bring a wide range of search traffic.
  • Easy to use: You can quickly appear in search results with concise keywords.


  • Fierce competition: Because many people compete with this keyword, you need to overcome high competition to be exposed at the top.
  • Difficult to understand search intention: It is often difficult to clearly understand the user's intention.

Short tail keywords play an important role for the SEO of a blog. However, due to its characteristics of fierce competition and difficulty in understanding search intentions, you need to pay more attention to targeting and creating high-quality content.
