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Tips Every Beginner Blogger Should Know for Starting and Running a Profitable Blog

Many beginners are starting blogs. You can start a blog for various reasons, such as for personal fun, monetization, or to provide information. Among these, starting a blog for monetization has become very popular. There is a limit to how much you can earn from a job, and it's hard to increase your salary.


It seems that many people start monetized blogs for reasons like the following. I think these are somewhat valid reasons.

  • For a bit more comfortable life, additional side income is perceived as a good reason to start blogging. Writing articles is relatively easy.
  • It's easy to get into because it requires no capital. Starting a restaurant involves a lot of capital, but blogging does not.
  • Seeing people live a digital nomad life through blogging is inspiring. Also, seeing people make a lot of money on platforms like YouTube makes digital side jobs popular.
  • With a blog, if you write well, you can continuously earn money. While jobs like Uber or other part-time work pay by the hour and require continuous work, with a blog, once you write the posts, people keep coming, so you don't have to keep working afterwards.

I think starting as a beginner blogger is difficult. However, following a few tips can help you get started with blogging. I think the following content can be helpful in running a blog. This is just one person's opinion, so it can be wrong, and it would be good to operate the blog while referring to various other methods and opinions.

It is important to write about topics you are passionate about


Blogging requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is important to write about topics you are passionate about. You can maintain interest and continue uploading posts by writing about your interests. For example, if you are interested in travel, it would be good to share stories or tips related to travel. If you are interested in personal finance, then it would be good to talk about topics related to personal finance.

Choose a profitable topic

While running a blog is enjoyable, if your goal is a profitable blog, it is good to go in a direction that generates revenue. Therefore, choosing a profitable topic is important. For example, topics related to health supplements or investments are among the good topics for generating revenue. I am aware that there are topics like computer development that do not generate much income. Even if it's a topic you like, if the income is too low, you might lose interest, so I think it's good to mix in profitable topics with your posts.

Blogs do not generate revenue immediately. Let's wait patiently.

The downside of blogs is that they do not generate immediate revenue. With Uber, part-time work allows you to earn as much as you work, and even complete beginners can generate some income. However, a blog has the disadvantage that it needs to grow to some extent before it can generate income.

For many bloggers using Adsense, you need to write a certain amount of content and maintain quality to get through Adsense. Adsense customer service is not known to be friendly, so you may not get immediate feedback if there's a problem. If you fail to pass the Adsense review, there is the disadvantage of having to wait without knowing what the issue is.


Moreover, even if you get approved by Adsense, there is no guarantee that you will earn a lot of income. Even if you write hundreds of articles, if the view rate is low and the cost per click is low, you will not generate significant revenue. Because writing articles takes longer than expected, in fact, Uber or part-time jobs may provide more income.


It seems that some people who start revenue-generating blogs earn a lot of money at once, which could be due to their luck or ability. Most users seem to not make much income at the beginning. It might be better to think of it as enjoying the writing itself and growing little by little.

Start small and grow steadily.

It's difficult to make a lot of money immediately through blogging. Therefore, it's important to start with small goals and grow gradually. For example, consider aiming for a side income of about 100 dollars a month and work towards achieving it. Earning an income of over 1000 dollars is quite difficult and time-consuming. Experience is also necessary.

While 100 dollars is not a large sum, it can significantly help with transportation costs, dining out, or purchasing hobby supplies for yourself. It's not a lot of money, but I believe it can be quite helpful in daily life.

Be wary of misleading marketing.

Many courses and pieces of information promise that you can easily make money through blogging. However, the reality may not be that easy. If there really were such a surefire way to make money easily, those people would just use that method to make more money themselves, wouldn't they?

Most testimonials show that the content is basic, and it seems that the person who conducted the course makes a lot of money. The person who conducted the course might know better tips, but sharing them in a course would expose their monetization secrets and be detrimental. Of course, the person could accurately disclose their true success story, become a bigger influencer, earn more income, and provide high-quality information. But in my experience, such cases are almost nonexistent.

While it may be necessary to listen to various lectures and content, it is important not to be swayed by exaggerated phrases or expensive costs and to set realistic goals and work consistently. It's definitely not that lectures are bad, so I think it's okay to take good lectures. I think it's a good idea to acquire various information on YouTube at an affordable price, try one or two inexpensive lectures, or experience various lectures on a subscription-based service platform.

Don't overthink it, just go ahead and try it out

Too much deliberation seems to slow down execution. Of course, not worrying at all is not a good choice, but even after a lot of deliberation, the results may not come out as worried, and it seems that there is quite a lot to gain by actually executing. Writing a post and seeing the traffic come in seems to give me confidence in blogging. Therefore, it is important to execute rather than being too critical when writing a post. For example, instead of spending too much time on keyword analysis, it's better to just write down your thoughts.

Don't think that once you've set up a blog well, it will continue to bring in money

The world changes quickly, and content is continuously being created. Especially with the further advancement of AI, there is an explosive production of content happening. While a minority of blog posts may generate significant income continuously once written, I believe that's not the case for the majority.

Initially, it may seem that a well-earning blog post will keep making money once written, but because new content is constantly being released, it's better to think that good content will eventually be replaced. New content, referencing existing content, tends to have better quality, and even if it has a search advantage, other bloggers will enter the niche.

While it's true that written posts have characteristics like a pipeline, unearned income, or passive income, it seems unchanging that you need to continuously add content.


In summary, the opinion was that it's better to write posts little by little with small goals, rather than listening to overly exaggerated and fantastical advertising. My opinion could be wrong, and I'm not someone who has succeeded with blogging, so I would appreciate it if you would see this as one perspective. I hope your blog management goes well.