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A summary of self-care for men (methods of grooming, how to become more handsome)

Most women take great interest in their appearance, investing a lot of time and money in grooming themselves. However, the majority of men do not invest much time in self-care. Men often think it's strange or bothersome to groom themselves and thus do not make an effort.

But I believe self-care is essential for men as well. With a little effort in self-care, you can significantly improve your appearance. It might feel awkward at first, but investing time and money in yourself can make you more attractive to others and also boost your confidence.

Shall we learn about the self-care necessary for men?


If you take care of the following things within your means, you can greatly improve your appearance. While appearance isn't everything, it does play a significant role, so taking care of your appearance is a very good thing.



  • The first step in healthy self-care is to check your physical condition.
  • We can't change our height, but we can control our weight to some extent with willpower. To many people, being less overweight is more attractive than the opposite. You can improve your style by trimming excess fat. Let's always manage our bodies to not be overweight.
  • Being too thin may also not look attractive. It's good to have a moderate amount of body fat. Check if your body weight is not too low for your height.
  • However, having a body with firm muscles is the best, isn't it? Please exercise regularly to build muscle and consume protein appropriate for your weight.


  • Removing glasses usually helps improve your appearance. Most people say that you look better without glasses than with them.
  • Even if you wear glasses at home, consider using contact lenses or undergoing vision correction surgery when going out.



  • A man's hairstyle is important. Depending on the hairstyle, you can make your face look smaller or give off a more masculine impression.
  • Don't think of it as bothersome; try grooming your hair. At first, it can really be a bothersome task. Even a simple hair fix can take over 10 minutes. However, as you get used to it, what used to take 10 minutes at first can later be done in just 1 minute.
  • Avoid excessive dyeing. A natural style looks far more stylish than an excessive one.

Dental Correction

  • Dental correction can improve the impression of your face. Dental correction is not just about changing the teeth, but can transform the overall shape of the face.
  • Although it can be costly and requires wearing braces for a long period, if you have the time and patience, it is recommended to try it as it can greatly change your impression.


  • Skin reflects our health. Clean skin shows a healthy beauty and is attractive in itself to the opposite sex.
  • If your skin is not good, it's difficult to gain favorability. It looks lacking in healthy beauty and less charming.
  • The best method is to do home care. If your condition is not too severe, simply washing well and applying cosmetics properly can solve the problem.
  • If the condition has worsened too much or it's difficult to care for it alone due to stress or various reasons. If it's too difficult to resolve with home care alone, seek professional help at a dermatology clinic. If the condition is severe, home care is often too difficult to manage.
    • In this case, do not hesitate to visit a dermatologist. Get professional skin care such as acne extraction, anti-inflammatory injections, and laser treatments to solve the issue.
    • If possible, it's also important to remove moles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
    • Taking medication that controls sebum production to prevent acne and medication that can reduce atopy or itching can be greatly helpful. If symptoms are severe, it's convenient to think that you have to take medication unconditionally.

Body Odor


  • If you have a fragrance, you can gain a lot of favor from others, and if you have an odor, it's very difficult to make a good impression.
  • Bathe appropriately every day, and maintain cleanliness by laundering your clothes.
  • If you're not in a state where your body is fragrant, in fact, it could mean you have an odor. Always take care to ensure your body can have a fragrance.
  • Use a subtle perfume frequently or use a fragrant body wash. It gives a good impression to the people around you.
  • If you smoke, be careful as the smell can be strong.




  • Clothes are an important element to express your personality. Good styling can hide body flaws and show a sense of fashion to others.
  • It's better to always dress neatly and prettily rather than a sloppy style.
  • Don't be satisfied with your style; check if your style is objectively okay by looking at various people's styles.
  • You don't need expensive clothes, just maintain a style that suits you well.
  • It's good to purchase clothes while taking reference from well-dressed people and clothing brand styles.
  • If you lack a sense of dressing, there's a high chance of failure, so it's better to try on clothes in person rather than online shopping.


  • Eyebrows are an important part of the face. If not cared for, they may not be noticeable at all, but a little grooming can greatly change the impression of the face.
  • Trim and organize them regularly to maintain a neat appearance.
  • If affordable, getting eyebrow tattoos can maintain your appearance for a long time at a low cost.

Nail and Elbow Care

  • Keep your nails clean and manage your elbows properly. Though less noticeable than other parts, it's good to set a day once a week for care.

Integrating into Daily Routine

Most of the above content is simple, but it's hard to see the effect if not consistently practiced in daily life. Integrate it into your daily routine for continuous management. It may be somewhat difficult at first, but it will take less time as you get used to it. Consider it an investment of time, not a waste of time! Self-care requires continuous effort and attention.

Effectively managing fatigue and stress, and taking care of yourself for health and appearance is important. A clean appearance boosts your confidence. With a small investment, you can improve your self-esteem and become more attractive to the opposite sex, so let's make a little effort to turn it into a habit.