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What is Asperger Syndrome? Characteristics and symptoms, causes of disability, comparison with autism

Understanding Asperger Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome is a type of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and is one of the characteristics of people who have difficulty with social interaction and communication. They have special interests and value consistency and regularity in their daily lives. This post aims to increase understanding of Asperger syndrome and promote understanding and consideration for those who suffer from it. We will try to make the content as easy to understand as possible.


Features and symptoms

  • Appearance Features
    • People with Asperger syndrome may not notice anything unusual about their appearance or appearance. However, their characteristics mainly lie in social interaction and communication. People with Asperger syndrome often have difficulty with social rules and expressions in common situations.
  • Difficulties with social interaction
    • People with Asperger syndrome have difficulty with social interaction. They may have difficulty understanding and processing conversations and interactions with other people, and may sometimes find it difficult to respond or express themselves appropriately. They may have difficulty understanding etiquette and expectations in social situations.
  • Special interests and passions
    • People with Asperger syndrome often have in-depth knowledge and passion for specific interests or topics. They love to talk about their special interests and often use them to express their knowledge and passion.
  • Importance of regularity and consistency
    • People with Asperger syndrome value consistency and regularity in their daily lives. They may have difficulty coping with unexpected changes or fluctuations, and may excel at getting things done according to certain patterns and rules.
  • Understanding of language and communication
    • People with Asperger syndrome generally have excellent language comprehension, but may have difficulty using language in social interactions. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand the meaning of nonverbal signals or expressions, and it can be difficult to understand the other person's emotions.
  • Sensory specificity
    • People with Asperger syndrome may often have sensory idiosyncrasies. For example, you may be sensitive to certain smells or sounds, or have a distinct preference for certain textures or tastes of foods.

As above, people with Asperger syndrome mainly have the characteristic of having difficulty with social interaction and communication. Below, we will learn more about the diagnostic criteria, causes, incidence, and treatment and management methods for Asperger syndrome.


Diagnostic criteria

Asperger syndrome is classified as a type of autism spectrum disorder in DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). To diagnose this, the following key criteria must be met:

What is DSM-5?

DSM-5 is short for “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.” This is a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association and is an internationally recognized resource that provides diagnostic criteria and statistical information on mental disorders.

  1. Difficulties with social interaction: Difficulty interacting with other people, and whether there are problems expressing emotions or communicating.
  2. Restricted Patterns of Interests and Behaviors: Identified as having repetitive and restricted behaviors, interests, or interests.
  3. Impaired functioning in daily life: How these characteristics affect functioning in daily life is identified.

Based on these criteria, your doctor will diagnose Asperger syndrome and determine appropriate treatment and support.

Causes and incidence

The exact cause of Asperger syndrome is not known, but it is believed to be caused by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Studies have shown that if someone in your family has autism spectrum disorder, you are more likely to have it.

The incidence is estimated to be approximately 1 per 10,000 people, and there is no significant difference in incidence between men and women. It is generally discovered in infancy or childhood, and symptoms often continue into adulthood.

Comparison of autism and Asperger syndrome

Social interaction and communication

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): People with autism experience significant difficulties with social interaction and communication. They may have difficulty forming social relationships, such as talking, expressing emotions, or making eye contact.
  • Asperger's Syndrome: People with Asperger's syndrome also have difficulties with social interaction, but they generally have excellent language development and often do not have major difficulties in conversation or verbal expression. However, there may be a lack of understanding of social rules and interactions.

Limited patterns of interests and behavior

  • Autism: People with autism have repetitive and restricted behaviors or interests. Sensory overload or compulsive behavior may also occur.
  • Asperger Syndrome: People with Asperger Syndrome may also have special interests, but these may generally be on a narrower spectrum than those with autism. Additionally, sensory overload or compulsive behaviors may not occur as often.

Treatment and management methods

There is currently no cure for Asperger syndrome, and in most cases, the goal is to relieve symptoms and improve function through treatment and management. Below are the main approaches to managing Asperger syndrome.

  1. Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy: You may benefit from a behavioral and cognitive therapy program individually designed by your doctor or specialist to improve your social skills and interpersonal relationships.
  2. Education and Educational Support: Children with Asperger Syndrome may need educational support. A child's ability to learn can be improved through a special education program or through working with a teacher.
  3. Family Support: Families must provide an important support system for people with Asperger syndrome. It is important to promote communication and understanding between family members.
  4. Social Support: Community or support groups help people with Asperger syndrome connect with each other and receive support.


As above, a variety of approaches are used to manage Asperger syndrome. This can help people with Asperger syndrome live smoother and more satisfying lives. I think it would be good if we became more aware of this information so that we could be more interested in and help the people around us.
